Scattershot Media

What we're all About

Who likes apps that mine your data to be used or sold for profit? We sure don't. So we've decided to make apps you can trust.

It used to be that time was money. Now it's data. Your data! Most of the apps on your devices use your data to provide you with cool and helpful features. They also vacuum up every bit of data you knowingly or unknowingly provide for their own purposes. Do you know what happens to your GPS location, photos, posts, likes, comments, DMs, PMs, activity timestamps and everything else once it leaves your device to live in the "cloud" forevermore?

Yeah, neither do we, but you consent to it when you accept those Terms of Service, and often you can do nothing to prevent it. You may not care about big companies collecting and using your data to advertise to you, but once it's out there, you can't get it back. And with ever-increasing numbers of security breaches, criminals will eventually get their hands on it as well. Scams, fraud and identity theft are just a few things that get easier and more likely with more information about you.

Our Mission

is to create useful applications that keep you in control of your data, and respect your privacy.